There will be elections for the euro? •
There will be elections for the euro?
wrote Tomáš Dlouhý • published 31.01.2010 16:13 • displayed 591 x • score -5
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(translated old article) When start of this week Jiri Paroubek came with idea, that the Czech Republic can adopt euro in year 2016, was expactible other parties will not be inactive...

Today ODS (Občanská Demokratická strana / Civic Democratic Party) throw economical expert Martin Kocourek supriselly came term can be 2015. Is it means that upcomming elections has their topic? It should be well, when this year campain was about topics not political personal attacks.Now all czech parties should say how to do it, so it was just a false promise. Indeed, already in 2004, when we became EU member, everyone politics promises euro in 2011. And we have 2011, budget is not ready and will not be few next years to adopt common currency. Hope so, I is not false promis and politics will start to do anything to early adoptaion. For the Slovaks already have the euro, and we still nothing!

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